This leafy green veggie is rapidly growing in popularity for all of its nutritious benefits and seems like it is everywhere! Just last year my Grandmother was visiting and wanted to make one of our favorite dishes for me (kale, mashed potatoes and sausage) and when she went to the grocery store looking for kale, they ended up scavenging the store only to find some lining the fish display and were nice enough to sell it to us. Now, depending on the store/farmers market I go to there are at least 2 if not more varieties of kale. So what is so great about kale and why has it grown so much in popularity? Here's my review:
Taste: Thumbs Up - Kale is a versatile leafy green that can be served raw, toasted or steamed and is quite absorbent of any flavor you add to it. Growing up eating kale, personally I enjoy the taste, however many people have a difficult getting over the strong nutty taste (and smell when it is cooked). Definitely get a candle lit when you are cooking to help combat the smell.
Nutrition: Thumbs Up - According to the USDA nutrient database 1 cup of raw kale has: 34 Calories, 2 grams protein, 7 grams carbohydrate, 1 gram fiber and a great source of Calcium, B6, Magnesium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Copper, Potassium, Iron, Manganese and Phosphorous. Not many other foods are this jam packed with great nutrients for only a few calories!
Cost: Thumbs Up - In season, a head of kale is a few dollars which makes it nutritionally a huge bang for your few bucks.
Time: Thumbs Up - The variety of ways to eat kale makes it a quick and easy green veggie. My new favorite kale recipe is kale chips - check out any recipe online, basically coat the kale with a cooking spray, tossing it in a seasoning and toasting in the oven at 300 degrees for about 20 minutes. Or, if you like to keep it simple just give it a good wash and substitute it for any other salad green.
Overall Rating: Thumbs Up - Yes, all of the kale hype is true! I highly recommend kale - it is a great leafy green veggie that is easy to eat/cook, nutritious, cheap and tasty!
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